The World’s First Sasquatch Call from Phelps Game Calls

The World’s First Sasquatch Call from Phelps Game Calls

You asked, and we answered.

Phelps Game Calls is proud to introduce the world’s first external Sasquatch call: The ‘Squatchinator.

This handcrafted call built from genuine sequoia wood replicates the sound of Bigfoot having fun at a party. Sasquatch are social creatures (contrary to popular belief), and when they hear the sound of other ‘Squatch letting their hair down, they can’t help but investigate.

And, unlike other so-called Sasquatch callers, we’re not just making this up.

“Years of research, field testing, fireside seances, and no small amount of mushrooms went into this one-of-a-kind call, and you can count on it working in the field–every time, guaranteed,” said Phelps Game Calls founder Jason Phelps.

MeatEater’s Steven Rinella said that if anything is going to bring Bigfoot out of the shadows and into the firelight, it’s going to be the ‘Squatchinator.

“It’s revolutionary. I really mean that,” Steve said. “I’ve personally felt and heard the power of the bigfoot rut, but never believed those sounds could be artificially produced. Hats off to a true engineering accomplishment.”

Want to hear the call in action? In the video below, Jason Phelps walks you through some of the call’s features and takes this prototype version for a spin.

What you do with Sasquatch once he comes loping into your camp site is up to you. Outside of Oklahoma, no state has ever considered–much less opened–a Bigfoot hunting season. Some believe it might be akin to murder (and a terrible idea with other humans in the woods). Others are more open to managing Bigfoot as a renewable resource, maybe launching a line of premium rugs or decorative pillows (we’re just spitballing here).

Whether you want to use your ‘Squatchinator as a hunting call or just for wildlife viewing, one thing is for sure: these won’t last long.

To pre-order now, click here.

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