MeatEater Adds One of Top Chefs in Industry

MeatEater Adds One of Top Chefs in Industry

MeatEater is happy to announce that renowned Atlanta-based chef Kevin Gillespie will be joining the team as our new Culinary Contributor. In his role with the company, Kevin will be instrumental to MeatEater’s growing content network of podcasts, video series, and articles with the aim of inspiring those who appreciate the field-to-table culinary aesthetic to cook restaurant-worthy meals, as well as growing and harvesting wild foods in more sustainable and thoughtful ways.

“You’ve got ‘celebrity’ chefs who are well-known because of how often they’re on TV, and then you’ve got the chefs that are famous because they are the best at what they do,” said MeatEater founder and Chief Creative Officer Steven Rinella. “Kevin Gillespie is one of the latter. He’s one of the most original culinary minds in America and a longtime outdoorsman, so we couldn’t have asked for a better fit to round out our culinary team for those who want more content about the best way to handle and prepare wild game and other wild food.”

Kevin is also thrilled to join the team and renew his focus on the outdoors.

“Anyone who knows me knows that I’m an avid hunter and fisherman,” Kevin said. “If it’s hunting season, you’re just as likely to find me in a tree stand as the kitchen. There’s an unflinching integrity in the way Steve and the MeatEater crew approach food and being outdoors, at a time when the industrial pipeline of our food supply is as impersonal as it is unsustainable, cutting us off from the connection humans should have with nature.”

Kevin brings with him 20-plus years of culinary and leadership experience, including successfully operating his five popular Atlanta-based restaurants and two stints on Bravo’s hit TV show Top Chef during season 6 and Top Chef All Stars L.A. during season 17. In addition to his new role at MeatEater, Gillespie will continue to run his restaurants and philanthropic efforts through his charity, the “Defend Southern Food Foundation.”

Keep an eye out for exciting content from Kevin coming soon!

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