The MeatEater Crew is hitting the road for the MeatEater U: Mountain Men Tour! Join Steven Rinella and Randall Williams at one of three university stops to explore the untamed world of a celebrated and misunderstood group of nineteenth-century outdoorsmen: the Mountain Men. At each school, Steve and Randall will tell stories, answer questions, and perhaps engage the audience with some Mountain Men-themed trivia throughout the program.
Attendance is free, but you must register using one of the links below to save your spot!
Montana State University: Evening of February 11 Click here to register for the MSU event.
University of Montana: Evening of February 20 Click here to register for the UM event.
University of Wyoming: Evening of February 26 Click here to register for the UW event.
We hope to see you out there! In the meantime, you can preorder MeatEater's American History: The Mountain Men (1806-1840), out on February 11.