Ep. 004

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Bozeman, Montana. After 4 days of elk hunting in the Sweetgrass Hills of Montana, Steven Rinella talks with Ryan Callaghan, Janis Putelis and first time hunters Brittany Brothers and Helen Cho. Subjects discussed include: good hunts for first time hunters; searching for hearts and livers in gut piles left by other hunters; hunter's safety courses; what happens when you carry a New Yorker magazine, an Alaska driver’s license, and a pocket knife on a NYC subway; how to say "MeatEater Podcast" in Latvian; the fact that Janis Putelis, a.k.a. Long Tong, has been in on 100 elk kills; women hunters; the conundrum of hunter recruitment; and getting really depressed when a hunt goes bad. Mentioned links and notes: Squarespace.com - use the code MEATEATER at checkout to get 10% off and help support the MeatEater Podcast. Ryan Callaghan once addressing a bear "Smell us now, lady". Sweetgrass Hills Colonial Rifle and Pistol Club in Staten Island Podsurvey.com/MeatEater


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