Announcing the Winner of the MeatEater Turkey Calling Contest!

Turkey Calling Contest
Announcing the Winner of the MeatEater Turkey Calling Contest!

Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you’ve all been waiting for: the winner of the first-ever MeatEater Turkey Calling Contest is none other than Clay Newcomb!

final turkey calling contest bracket

"It was a tough win," Clay said. "I had to do some things I’m not proud of (throw mud at Brent) but I’m happy be bringing home the championship ring back to Arkansas."

Clay barely beat out Brent Reaves in the first round with his basic calling sequence but carried his way to the finish with strong locator calls and a great gobble to boot. As promised, we’ll be donating $1,000 to the National Wild Turkey Federation in Clay’s name.

Thank you all so much for participating in this contest! It’s been a real hoot. If you’d like to check out all previous rounds of the calling contest, you can do so here. And if you’re interested in reading more about turkey hunting, click here.

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