Announcing The MeatEater Land Access Initiative!

Announcing The MeatEater Land Access Initiative!

We are here to give all Americans what they deserve: more places to hunt and fish.

There are about 15 million acres of landlocked public land in the United States, places we all own but can’t get to. There thousands of miles of streams that we can’t get to or can’t legally wade. Here’s how we’re going to fix that.

We’re gonna take all the profits from sales of Rinella-Putelis 2020 campaign gear and put them into the MeatEater Land Access Initiative Fund. We’ll direct those funds toward getting people out in the woods and waters of this beautiful country.

Now this is where you come in. We want you to tell us about the land and water access needs in your area. Not only will you help us fund the Initiative—you’re going to help us spend it.

From boat ramps to campsites, and trailheads to subdivision footpaths, we want to improve outdoor recreation for everyone. As long as the project provides more access, we’ll consider it for our Initiative.

For more info on how to help and to submit your land access ideas, check out our campaign page. We’re going to bring better hunting and fishing to America.

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